After his return from Korea and near-death experience, Rangel enrolled at New York University, earning a B.A. in 1957 and receiving his law degree from St. John's University Law School in 1960. In 1961, Attorney General Robert Kennedy appointed Rangel assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. In 1967, Rangel won election to the New York State Assembly, and in 1971 he ran against the famous Reverend Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. in a historic election. Rangel's victory inaugurated the first of his seventeen consecutive terms as Harlem's representative to Congress.
His tenure in Congress has been marked by a continued activism and concern for his constituency. Rangel was one of the founding members of the Congressional Black Caucus and served at one time as its chairman. He has also been active on issues of trade and human resources. In 1987, Rangel, one of the leading opponents to South African apartheid, pushed the Internal Revenue Service to eliminate tax credits for taxes paid to the apartheid government of South Africa. In 1995, he helped to create a federal "empowerment zone" in Manhattan and authored the low-income tax credit to stimulate the development of affordable housing in urban areas. Early in 2003, Rangel proposed the reinstatement of the military draft as a way to deter the use of force and promote a peaceful resolution to the standoff in Iraq.

Rangel and his wife, Alma, have two children, Steven and Alicia. The Rangels, active still in many civic and community organizations, maintain their home in Harlem.
Politician. Born Charles B. Rangel on June 11th, 1930, in New York City. Rangel's mother, Blanche Mary Wharton, was only 16 years old when she met Ralph Rangel, a Puerto Rican immigrant who was working as a handyman for Wharton's family. The couple eloped and, three years later, Charles' eldest brother, Ralph, was born. Charles was born seven years later, but by then his eldest brother had been taken in by relatives and was rarely around. Rangel's sister, Frances, who was born three years later, would also come to be raised by relatives.
Rangel's early family life was tumultuous; his father rarely held a job, and physically abused Charles' mother. "My father was absolutely no good," Rangel says. "In my earliest memory of him...my father was hitting my mother on the steps of some apartment-type building." Rangel's father left the family when Charles was six years old.
Charles' relationship with his mother was far different, however--he describes most of his early life as "always around her apron strings." Unlike his siblings, Rangel often followed his mother around during her transient lifestyle. He traveled with her to jobs as a seamstress and maid, and moved with her as she found new romantic interests.Rangel was eventually sent to live with his aunt and uncle in the Bronx. He credits his relatives with giving him good study habits and structure. "I had enough going for me, in terms of confidence and good work habits, that studying really was no big deal," Rangel says.
The return to his mother's home, however, pushed the young man out of the house at an early age. "I was torn between life tied to my mother and being on my own," Rangel explains. "I knew I had to get out." Although his performance in grade school and at DeWitt Clinton High School was excellent, he was often truant during this time, and was occasionally driven home by the police for his antics. He dropped out of school in 1947 to sell shoes, and drifted aimlessly until he enlisted in the U.S. Army a year later.
Rangel was stationed in Korea during the Korean War, and it was in the military that his talents truly shone. As a soldier, he was a member of the all-black 503rd Field Artillery Battalion in the 2nd Infantry Division. Though only a private first class, he was often recognized for his strong sense of leadership.
This ability was put to the test in November of 1950, during the Battle of Kunu-ri. Despite shrapnel wounds, Rangel led 40 of his comrades for three days behind enemy lines rather than surrender. He was later recognized for his bravery with the Purple Heart, a Bronze Star, a Presidential Unit Citation, the Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation, and three battle stars. "Since Kunu-ri ," Rangel says, "I have never, never had a bad day."
After an honorable discharge from the Army, Rangel returned home a changed man. He decided to finish high school, completing two years of studies in only one year. He earned his G.E.D. in 1953, and went on to attend the New York University School of Commerce. There he used his military benefits to finance a four-year degree, which he earned in three years, while also making the dean's list. Charles Rangel (Charles Bernard Rangel) was born on Wednesday, June 11, 1930 in New York City and he is a famous politician from United States of Roman Catholic religion.

Life in Brief:
- Being born on Jun 11, Charles is a Gemini.
- his ethnicity: Black.
- his mother's name: Blanche Mary Wharton.
- his father's name: Ralph J. Rangel.
- Brother : Ralph J. Rangel.
- Sister : Frances.
Charles Rangel had studied at DeWitt Clinton High School, New York, NY and then he attended the BS, School of Commerce, New York University (in 1957).Charles dated Alma E. Carter (wife).
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